Technical Specifications for Steel Silo Use



Steel silos
, known for their thin walls and ability to handle significant fluctuating loads, require constant monitoring during operation. This is especially crucial for port facilities where frequent material turnover puts a strain on the silo structure. Recent incidents involving silo tilting, deformation, and collapse highlight the importance of prioritizing safety measures.

Pre-Operation Procedures:

  • Training: Before operating the silo, ensure all personnel (operators and management) undergo comprehensive technical training.
  • Material Adherence: During operation, verify that all incoming bulk material adheres to the silo's design specifications.

Routine Inspections:

  • Pre-Use Check: Conduct a meticulous inspection of all silo components prior to usage. This should include:
    • Roof inlet gates
    • Access doors on silo walls
    • Discharge outlet gates at the silo bottom
    • Roof manholes
    • High-level limit indicators inside the silo
    • Temperature and humidity monitoring system
    • Ventilation system
  • Cleaning and Maintenance:
    • Remove debris from within the silo and inspect the bottom, sides, and conveyor equipment slots for damaged materials or pests.
    • If pests are present (particularly in grain silos), treat the silo walls, bottom, and equipment with appropriate pesticides and perform empty silo fumigation.
    • Ensure the silo meets the specific standards for the material being stored.
    • Clean auxiliary equipment and verify its normal operation when empty.
  • Foundation and Backfill:
    • Inspect the dryness of the silo foundation or backfill slope to guarantee it meets safe material storage conditions.
  • Wind Resistance (Coastal Silos):
    • During typhoon warnings, ensure large coastal silos have a material level at least 50% of their capacity.
  • Semi-Annual Inspection:
    • Every six months, inspect the wind resistance rings on the upper silo wall.

Material Loading and Unloading Procedures:

  • Centralized Loading: Ensure material is loaded through the central inlet port to promote a vertical flow into the silo.
  • Upper Level Indicator: Verify the silo's upper level indicator is functioning properly.

Note: The top edge of the material pile contacting the silo wall should ideally be slightly lower (200-300 mm) than the upper eaves of the silo's straight cylinder.

  • Closing Inlet Gates: After loading is complete, close the inlet gates securely.
  • Sequential Unloading (Multiple Outlets):
    • For silos with multiple discharge outlets, completely empty the center outlet before using the others. The recommended opening sequence for remaining outlets is:
      • Open the two symmetrical outlets closest to the center first.
      • Gradually open the remaining outlets towards the silo wall.
  • Avoid Simultaneous Operations: Do not load and unload material simultaneously.
  • Prevent Material Arching Collapse: Take measures to prevent large-scale collapse of arched or compacted material inside the silo.

By following these comprehensive guidelines, operators can ensure the safe and efficient operation of steel plate silos.