A grain silo is a structure created to store materials in bulk. They are usually tall and
cylindrical, but can also be constructed in the form of warehouses, domes, or large
elongated bags. They primarily hold grain, seed, or silage, fodder that is harvested
green and then stored and left to ferment. This fodder is then used to feed livestock
or as a biofuel, and is usually grass, alfalfa,sorghum, oats, or maize.
The three primary types of grain silos are bag silos, bunker silos, and tower silos.
Bag silos are an inexpensive way to store grain and silage, and they are made out
of a heavy, durable plastic, usually 6 to 8 feet (2 to 2.5 meters) in diameter, and can
be of any length. They are often used for overflows, when more storage space for
grain is necessary.
To access the grain, farmers simply tear through the plastic, using any sharp object.
Each section of the bag is cut open, until all the grain has been removed and used
as needed. Some farmers use this method exclusively, due to its ease of access,
low maintenance requirements, and inexpensive price.